What are the main purposes of a junction box?

Junction Box

A junction box is a device that connects electrical cables. They are usually found in applications where multiple electrical outlets or breakers are required to be connected. A junction box is often located at the point where power from a source, such as an external service panel, enters the building. In order for this type…

Best Automation Equipments Manufacturing Company in India

Looking for best Automation Equipments Manufacturing Company in India. Pyrotech India is one of the best Automation Equipment Supplier, Manufacturer and Distributer in India. Pyrotech is a leading firm in India which provides Automation Equipment solutions to its customers. Pyrotech has expertise in different areas such as Automatic Machinery, CNC Machine Tools and Electrical Control…

Junction box or enclosures

Small incloser box

Junction boxes are one of Pyrotech’s specialities and we are pleased to launch a full range of IP55 / IP65 small enclosures and accessories for indoor as well as outdoor application. Small enclosures are suitable for industrial applications in all sectors like Factory Automation, Machine Control Panel, Electrical, CCTV, Telecom and many more. At Pyrotech…